Personality colorbot test
Personality colorbot test

personality colorbot test

of schizoid personality disorder related symptoms: 37.50% of schizotypal personality disorder related symptoms: 37.50% of dependent personality disorder related symptoms: 50.00% of avoidant personality disorder related symptoms: 37.50% of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder related symptoms: 25.00%

personality colorbot test

of histrionic personality disorder related symptoms: 12.50% of narcissistic personality disorder related symptoms: 37.50% of borderline personality disorder related symptoms: 37.50% Presence of antisocial personality disorder related symptoms: 25.00% Overall presence of personality disorder symptoms: 35.00%

personality colorbot test

Personality colorbot test professional#

Please remember that the above test should NOT be considered as a substitute for any professional medical/mental health service. Once the statements are chosen, by simply pressing the “Get Results!” the assessment will count how many of the symptoms of mental disorder were chosen then it will sum their significance in order to display an overall percentage. The test comprises of 10 sections, containing 80 short personality disorder statements that try to assess the signs you might experience. The personality disorder test focuses on the most important mental illnesses, from antisocial, borderline and narcissistic to obsessive compulsive, avoidant or paranoid disorder. This is a personality assessment that you can use as a general mental disorder test to help you discover if you might suffer from any symptoms and signs. How does the personality disorder test work?

Personality colorbot test